San Francisco County







FRANK CORNWALL, M.D., whose specialty is treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and whose office is at No.112 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the last eight years, and has been engaged in practice in San Francisco during these years. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio, in 1846. His parents, Francis and Martha (Carr) Cornwall, were among the Pioneers of Ohio; his father was a native of Connecticut and his mother of New Jersey. Our subject received his primary education in the schools of Mansfield, Ohio, and in Union county, Iowa. In 1863 he entered the Simpson Seminary Centenary Collage at Indianola, Iowa, in 1863, and remained there three years. In his twentieth year he commenced the study of medicine, under the preceptorship of Dr. Carter, of Des Moines, Iowa, with whom he studied for three years. Meanwhile he had entered the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, Where he graduated after a course of study and lectures of three and a half years. Mr. Cornwall commenced the general practice of his profession in Iowa, remaining five years at Norwalk and four years at Mount Ayer, in that State. He then pasted a year in Chicago in perfecting himself in the specialty he had chosen in his profession, the opportunities of a large city being necessary for this purpose. His health having become somewhat impaired from so many years of close application to practice and study, he went to Montana, where he spent some time in recuperation as well as in practice. Later he spent six months in Dr. Knapp’s Institution in New York, in further pursuit of study and practice in his specialty. The Doctor then came to California, where he has since built up a large and successful practice. Dr. Cornwall has been one of the professors of the California Medical College, where he has filled the chair of Ophthalmology and Otology for eight years. He is a member of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of California; of the Society of Physicians of the county of San Francisco, and of Mount Mariah Lodge of F. and A. M., of San Francisco. He has been a member of the State Board of Examiners of the Eclectic Medical Society for the past eight years. 



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 593, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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