San Francisco County












James W. Corbett, vice president in charge of operations, Southern Pacific Company, was born June 25, 1895, in Gallup, New Mexico; the son of James F. and Mary (Lee) Corbett.

            While attending school, Mr. Corbett entered railroad service in 1911 as a call boy for the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company (now part of the Union Pacific), and after completing his education, was a telegraph operator of the same railroad from May, 1912, to June, 1915. In June 1915, he joined Southern Pacific as a telegrapher, in Oregon, and served as telegrapher and relief agent at various stations on the company’s Portland and Shasta Divisions before going into the army with which he served as a pilot in World War I.

            Returning from the armed service he went to Sacramento (California) Division in February, 1919, and was successively a telegrapher, train dispatcher, division examiner, acting supervisor of transportation, traveling supervisor for Southern Pacific Motor Transport Company, and trainmaster. In the latter capacity he served at various other points on the railroad until advanced to assistant superintendent of the Portland (Oregon) Division in 1937. Then followed promotions to assistant to the general manager, San Francisco, California, in July, 1939; superintendent of Portland (Oregon) Division in July, 1941; assistant general manager in April, 1942; general manager on March 1, 1944; and vice president, in charge of operations, since July 16, 1948, San Francisco.

            Mr. Corbett is a member of the Pacific Railroad Club, The Family Club, Olympic Club, Arlington Club of Portland, Oregon, San Francisco Commercial Club; American Legion; and Knights of Columbus.

            Mr. Corbett married Wanda K. Anson on February 1, 1922, and they have two sons, William E. and Robert A. Their home is at 323 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco 23, California.

            Offices:  65 Market Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 59, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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