MRS. LOU COOL, dentist, whose office is in the new Chronicle building, was the first lady representative of the dental profession in San Francisco. She is a native of Chicago, Illinois, and is of English and Scotch ancestry; her family were among the early settlers of New York State. She has resided in California since her early childhood, having come with her parents to the Pacific Coast in 1871. Her early education was received in Oakland, where she attended the high school, and where she married Dr. Russell H. Cool, the well-known dentist of Oakland.

Mrs. Cool is one of those women for whom America is famous–who, happy in the possession of excellent intellectual attainments, pursues her chosen path with the ability, energy and determination which command success. For twelve years past she has been engaged in the study and practice of dentistry. Her first initiation into its mysteries was in the office of her husband, where, for three years, she acted as assistant at the operating chair. She subsequently had charge of the office herself for a few months, and when the California State Dental Board granted her a certificate to practice dentistry, she opened an office for herself, locating at 318 Kearny street. She soon overcame the slight prejudice and doubt of a woman’s ability which she first encountered, and so large a business did she acquire by her excellent work and her winning ways that, when the new Chronicle building at the corner of Market and Kearny streets was opened, she engaged in it her present handsome office, for the accommodation of her patients. While having a large clientage among ladies and gentleman, Mrs. Cool is particularly happy in the treatment of children, her gentle ways reassuring the little ones, while her quick and skillful work gives them no occasion for pain. As she is constantly endeavoring to improve the existing condition of affairs in dentistry, she has made many improvements which have brought her fame. She manufactures a dentifrice in her ability to cleanse, polish and beautify the teeth. Mrs. Cool has also had wonderful success in building up with gold, decayed teeth, and in restoring deformed or broken teeth. In the saving of children’s teeth she is probably unsurpassed in the city. One of the most attractive innovations in dentistry made by Mrs. Cool is the setting of diamonds in the teeth. This she has done with great success, and now wears two diamonds in her own mouth, which are not only evidences of her skill in her profession, but also dazzling reminders of this new fad, which promises to become fully as popular in fashionable circles here as it is now in the East. The diamonds, being of the purest quality, and carefully set in gold or porcelain crowns, give a lovely effect, greatly increasing the attractiveness of the happy wearer. She has adorned the rows of pearls of two well-known society belles with dazzling stones, and so great has been her success with this latest innovation in the science of dentistry that, judging from the many demands made upon her, our society girls will soon have untold fortunes behind their beauteous lips. Mrs. Cool is well-deserving of the great success which has attended her professional career.

Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 531-332, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Elaine Sturdevant.

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