San Francisco County




A. S. COOK, M. D.

A. S. Cook, M.D., has his office at No. 224 Post street, San Francisco, where, in partnership with his wife, he is engaged in the practice of medicine.  Mrs. Dr. Cook is one of an old Highland-Scotch family, her father, Alexander McKay, having come from Scotland to Canada when she was yet an infant.  She has been a resident of California since 1856, and commenced the study of medicine about twenty-five years ago, and has been in practice over twenty years.  She has made a specialty of the treatment of cancerous diseases, in which she has been very successful.  Dr. Cook is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and his father was a prominent insurance man of that place for many years.  The family are of the early New England stock. The Doctor came to California in 1850, where he was engaged in active business pursuits until about twelve years ago, when he commenced the study of medicine.  He entered the California Medical College (Eclectic) in 1878, and graduated at that institution in 1881, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine.  He has since that time been engaged in the general practice of medicine in San Francisco


Transcribed 2-28-05  Marilyn R. Pankey

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 53-54, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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