San Francisco County





Channing H. Cook, whose office is at 1826 Howard street, San Francisco, is a native of California, born in San Francisco, in 1863, the son of Elisha Cook, who was one of the prominent attorneys of this city, and who died in 1871, in the very zenith of success.  He was one of the pioneer settlers of California, arriving here early in January, 1850.  Channing received his early education in the Urban school, of San Francisco, where he remained until the age of thirteen years.  He then went to New Hampshire, where, for three years, he attended St. Paul’s school at Concord.  He then returned to California, and at the age of sixteen years he passed the necessary examinations and entered the State University, which he attended for one year.  Mr. Cook then went to Europe, and after traveling with his family about two years he returned to San Francisco, but on account of sickness was not able to resume his studies for a year and a half.  In 1884 he entered the Cooper Medical College, where he graduated in 1887, after a three years’ course.  He at once entered upon the practice of his profession in San Francisco, which he has since continued.  For two years Dr. Cook was assistant to the surgical clinic of the Cooper Medical College.  He now holds the position of lecturer on anatomy and physiology at the Trinity School of San Francisco.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 101-102, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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