Carroll Cook

Carroll Cook, attorney, San Francisco, was born in this State in 1855, the son of Elisha Cook, a native of New York.  The latter received his education in that State, where he also studied law in the office of his eldest brother, Eli Cook, of Buffalo, New York.  After being admitted to the bar, Elisha engaged in the practice of law, where he remained until the gold discoveries in California attracted the attention of the whole country.  He left New York in the latter part of 1849, arriving here early in 1850, where he engaged in the practice of his profession, and for twenty years was one of the prominent members of the San Francisco bar.  He was a leading criminal attorney, and was engaged on one side or the other of nearly every important criminal case.  In 1854 he married Miss Hoff, a daughter of William C. Hoff, a pioneer and prominent citizen of this city.  Mr. Cook's death occurred in 1871, leaving a widow and nine children.

     Carroll Cook, our subject, received his education here, except one year's course at the Union University.  He studied law and was admitted to the  bar in 1874, and for the past seventeen years has been engaged in the practice of his profession in this city.  He was appointed First Assistant United States District Attorney, and held that office four years.  He is a Republican in his political views, but not an office-seeker.  He is a thirty-second degree Mason, Scottish Rite, and also a member of the order of N.S.G.W.


Transcribed 9-10-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 511, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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