San Francisco County









      Edward M. Coffey, who is now the chief clerk of the department of health of the city and county of San Francisco, has been associated with this section of the city administration more than thirty years, and has been one of the most efficient members of the department personnel during this period of its greatest growth.

      Mr. Coffey was born in San Francisco, November 29, 1868, and is a son of the late Patrick and Margaret (O’Connor) Coffey. Patrick Coffey was born in Ireland, and was brought to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by his parents when he was two years old. In 1852, the family came to San Francisco, and in this city he later followed his trade of boiler maker until his death in 1877. His wife, who was born in Philadelphia in 1849, came to California as a child, and here in later years married Mr. Coffey. She died in 1927, when she was in her seventy-eighth year. They were the parents of a large family, of whom two survive.

      Edward M. Coffey received his education in the grammar schools and evening classes. After putting aside his text-books he was for a time in the employ of R. G. Dun & Company, following which he was in the service of the Market Street Railroad Company. In 1900, he became affiliated with the city and county health department as an inspector, and for his services in this capacity he received the sum of seventy-five dollars per month. He fulfilled his duties with his customary intelligence and energy, and in 1904 was appointed statistician. In 1908, he was chosen for his present position as chief clerk. His work has brought him a wide acquaintanceship in San Francisco, and he is popular wherever he is known. He has a thorough knowledge of the health problems encountered by a large civic community, and he has a most comprehensive understanding of the official methods of caring for these affairs.

      In 1896, Mr. Coffey was married to Miss Fernanda Wilson, who was born in Chicago, Illinois. To their union two sons have been born, both of whom have attained success in their fields of endeavor. Stanley E. Coffey, the elder, is now a physician in Orland, California, and Marshall C. Coffey, the younger, is professor of Spanish in the University of California.

      Mr. Coffey has given his political support to the democratic party. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and Pacific Parlor No. 10, of the Native Sons of the Golden West. He has always found his greatest diversion in swimming, and he excels in aquatic sports of various kinds.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 26-27.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County