San Francisco County






JOHN  J. COFFEY, a successful lawyer of San Francisco, was born on the Emerald Isle, May 1, 1845.  He was a child of fortune, and was afforded every opportunity by his parents, who intended him for the priesthood.   After attending Jesuit College, Limerick, Ireland, he entered Brompton College, London, and while attending the latter his parents sent him money for incidentals, and (sic) with which to come home for the holidays.  Reach- ing Liverpool on his way home, and while walking on the docks, he noticed a shipping sign of £4 to America.  All the money he had with him was £7-10d, but he saw the captain of the ship and persuaded him to let him come, which he did.  Mr. Coffey arrived in New York February 12, 1857, and the following day obtained a situation as cash boy in the store of A. T. Stewart.  He remained in New York and Chicago during the war of the rebellion, in which he served in the Second United States Dragoons.  In 1867- 68 he served in the Indian war on the plains, and in the lattet(sic) year came to the Pacific coast, settling in Oregon, where he he(sic) held the commission of  Lieutenant of a militia company during the Indian War in 1872-74.  Mr. Coffey has held the office of deputy Mining Surveyor, and also of County Surveyor.


He studied law with Governor George L. Woods, James Slater and Royal A. Pierce, in Oregon, and was admitted to the bar in 1876.  He came to San Francisco in October of the same year, and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court in 1880, and since that time has enjoyed a good general practice.  Mr. Coffey was Secretary of the Irish Land League in 1879 and 1880, and was actively connected with the councils of the league. 


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 26, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.




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