San Francisco County





James W. Cochrane


James W. Cochrane, District Attorney, San Rafael, is a native of New Jersey, dating his birth at the city of Newark, May 29, 1867.  He is of Irish parentage, and the sixth of nine children born to Michael and Annie Cochrane, who came to California when our subject was but one year of age.  The trip was made via Panama.  They located in San Rafael where, as he grew up, young James attended the schools.  Later he attended the College of the Sacred Heart at San Francisco, and he graduated at St. Mary’s College, May 29, 1886, at the head of a class of seven.  Mr. Cochrane began the study of law the same year with Charles Ben Darwin, a noted criminal lawyer of San Francisco, as his preceptor, and graduated at the Hastings Law School, and was admitted to practice in all courts in 1888.  He followed his profession in San Francisco until elected to his present office.  Although a young practitioner, Mr. Cochrane has disposed of many criminal cases.  It is said to his credit that as a prosecuting attorney he has established a reputation second to none in Northern California.  In addition to this he is the City and County Attorney by appointment.

            Mr. Cochrane is a man of great executive ability, and has a method of handling his official duties which has brought credit to himself.  He is a staunch Democrat, and has always been very active in politics.  In the campaign of 1890 he went into the fight with a will and determination for the Democratic ticket. Although he made a good canvas for the whole ticket he said nothing of his own candidacy.  He had a Republican county to contend with; still he overcame the odds, and was elected by a large majority.  He is a commissioned officer of Company D, Fifth Regiment State Militia, and a prominent member of the Young Men’s Institute, No. 10, of San Rafael, and has been its President for three successive terms; and he was also a member of the Grand Board of Directors of the Young Men’s Institute for two successive terms.  He is also a member of Mount Tamalpais Grove, No. 58, of the United Ancient Order of Druids of the State of California.

            Mr. Cochrane was joined in marriage at San Rafael, November 22, 1890, with Miss Lizzie G. Atwater, a native of New York, who had been identified for some years with the primary department of the public schools of San Rafael as principal.





Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 379-380, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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