San Francisco County





Major Moses G. Cobb, a prominent lawyer of San Francisco, was born in Princeton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, November 24, 1820, and is the son of New England parents; the father, Elias H. Cobb, was a carriage manufacturer in Princeton; the mother’s maiden name was Rebecca Boylston.  Our subject received his education in New England, and was graduated from Harvard University in 1843; he then studied law, graduating at the law school of Harvard University in 1846.  He then engaged in the practice of law in Boston, from 1846 to 1861, the legal firm being Dana & Cobb.


At an early day Major Cobb took an active interest in military affairs, and in 1853 organized the Boston Light Artillery, which was under his command until 1858.  Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion he raised a new company known as Cobb’s Battery, went to the front and served in the army of the Potomac.  In the winter of 1861 he resigned the command of this battery and came to the Pacific coast, located at Stockton and engaged in the practice of his profession there till 1867, when he came to San Francisco, and for the past twenty-three years he has been a successful practitioner in the courts of the city and State.  At the outset of the paper he was connected with the San Francisco Law Journal, holding the position of editor on pleading; his extensive experience and natural ability fitted him well for his work, which he conducted for quite a while.


While a resident of Stockton Major Cobb was a member of the School Board; he raised the Stockton light Battery, and held the command for two years, until he left that city.  While living in his native State he was a member of the Governor’s Council for a term of years.  He was a commander of the Ancient Honorable Artillery Corps in 1856,—a branch of the corps of the same name there and now established in London, and founded in Boston in 1836.


Politically the Major is identified with the Republican party.  He was formerly a Whig, afterward a Douglas Democrat.  For a great many years he has been a prominent member of the Masonic Order; he is a Knight Templar, and also belongs to the Boston Encampment, Boston, Massachusetts, I. O. O. F., and Olive Branch Lodge, at Charlestown, Massachusetts.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 84, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.





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