Frank Steven Cook, M D., whose office is at No. 156 Third street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1885, and engaged in the practice of medicine since 1887. His family are of English descent; both of his parents were natives of America.  His father, J. D. Cook, is one of the early settlers of California, having come to this coast in 1856.  He has since been engaged in the hotel business in Washington Territory, and is now engaged in stock-raising in Arizona, and is one of the representative men of that Territory.

     F. S. Cook, our subject, received his early education in Washington Territory, and later in the high school at Prescott, Arizona, where he was graduated in the spring of 1885.  He then came to California, where he entered the medical department of the University of California, graduating in November, 1880, after a full course of three years.  While in Prescott, Arizona, he studied medicine under Dr. F. K. Ainsworth, and at the same time was engaged in learning the drug business for a year and a half.  He then entered the high school, and at the same time continued his studies under his medical preceptor.  After graduating in medicine, he entered the City and County Hospital of San Francisco, as House Physician and Surgeon, in which position he remained one year.  He then entered into private practice in his present location, where he has since continued.  Dr. Cook is a member of the County Medical Society of San Francisco, and of the San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society.  The Doctor has built up a large and successful practice.


Transcribed 12-9-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 639, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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