John J. Clark, architect, San Francisco, was born in New York city, February 24, 1853, a son of John and Ann Clark.  His father came to the Pacific coast in 1852, and the family followed in 1858.  He was a prominent contractor and builder for a quarter of a century, his death occurring in 1878.  Mrs. Clark is still living in this city.  The subject of this sketch attended school during boyhood receiving his education in this city.  He acquired the rudiments and practical detail of building under the direct tutelage of his father, then entered the office of David Farquharson, the pioneer architect and one of the most prominent on the Pacific coast, where he pursued the study of architecture.  He has been identified with the profession for the past eighteen years, and has built up a very good business.  His suite of offices on the corner of Market and Powell are large and commodious.  Among the prominent buildings erected by him are St. Mary's College, Oakland; the California Medical College, churches, and some of the finest private residences in the city.


Transcribed 12-9-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 638-639, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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