Roderick Wattson Church, Recorder of Alameda county, was born in Alvarado, in this county, March 1, 1855, a son of Augustus M. and Ellen C.Church.  (For parentage and ancestry see sketch of his brother, L. S. Church.)  Rod. W. Church received a common-school education in this county, and spent some time in the Brayton Collegiate School.  On the removal of the family to Healdsburg, Sonoma county, in 1870, he there entered the Alexander Academy, preparatory to a university course; but, his father's venture in Healdsburg proving unprofitable, he helped him as clerk in 1871, and continued to work as clerk in Healdsburg until 1873, when he returned to this county, and was placed in charge of a warehouse in Pleasanton.  In the fall of 1873 he took a course in Heald's Business College in San Francisco, and received a certificate from that institution in 1874.  Filling the position of weighing clerk in Waterman's warehouse in Livermore for a short time, he was appointed that year a Deputy Tax Collector, holding that office until the spring of 1875, and then acted as Auditor's Clerk for a time.  In the fall of 1875 he resumed his position in the Tax Collector's office, and in 1876 changed again to Auditor's office.  In July, 1876, he was appointed Deputy County Clerk, and held that office until January 1, 1880.  After brief service as Deputy County Assessor, and as assistant to City Assessor, he was appointed Deputy City Marshal in the fall of 1880, and about July, 1881, was again employed in the office of City Assessor, and later in the office of City Marshal.  Before the close of 1881 he became the bookkeeper of Comegys, Block & Co., of Livermore. where he remained until they wound up their business in the winter of 1883-'84.  In 1884 he engaged in the sale of carriages and agricultural implements with a partner, under the style of Gardner & Church, until he sold his interest in the fall of that year, returning to Oakland in November.  Mr. Church was a candidate before the Republican County Convention for County Clerk in 1882 and 1884, but failed to receive the nomination.  In January, 1885, he was appointed Deputy County Clerk, serving until January 1, 1889, when he entered on the discharge of the duties of County Recorder, to which he had been elected November 6, 1888, and for re-election, to which he was nominated by the Republican party in 1890.

     Mr. Church was married in Oakland, December 17, 1877, to Miss Mattie Mendenhall, born in this county July 9, 1860,  a daughter of Absalom and Delia (Suits) Mendenhall.  Her mother died in middle life, leaving four children.  The father is living in this county at the age of about sixty.  Mr. and Mrs. Church have two children:  Jesse Roderick, born November 1, 1881, and Gladys Eleanor, born April 22, 1888. Mr. Church is a member and Past Grand of University Lodge, No. 144, I.O.O.F., and Past President of Oakland Parlor, No. 50, N.S.G.W.


Transcribed 11-21-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 602-603, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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