San Francisco County





JOHN  M. CHRETIEN, attorney, San Francisco, was born in this city, August 29, 1853, the son of Joseph and Madeline Chretien, old and honored citizens of this city.  Our subject attended school during his boyhood, and completed his education at Santa Clara College, graduating at that institution in 1872.  He afterward studied law, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court October 12, 1875, in this first term of this court after reaching his majority, and since then, for the past fifteen years, he has been successfully engaged in his profession.  While engaged in a general civil practice, he has also given much attention to theatrical law, representing play-wrights, both in this country and England.  He has been associated with such eminent counsel as ex-Judge Dittenhoeffer, of New York, the best authority on theatrical law in the country, and also represents Howe & Hammell, of New York, and James L. Latham of Chicago, the leading theatrical attorneys of this country.  Mr. Chretian is an attorney for theatre managers in San Francisco, and has an extensive practice with play-wrights and managers on the Pacific coast and Australia.  He is a strong Republican in his political principles, and while actively interested in good government has no political aspirations.


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 27-28, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.




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