ELMER CHILDS, architect, residing in Oakland, was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, April 24, 1863, a son of William Wilkins and Sarah (Marshall) Childs, who came to California in 1874.  The father, who was a native of New Jersey, has been mainly a builder, while the mother is a native of Illinois.  After marriage they moved to Leavenworth, where the father followed the business of contracting for building.  They have three living children:  Eugene William, now of Florence, Pinal county, Arizona, Supervisor of Pinal county, engaged in cattle-raising; Lillian May, the wife of Hon. M. C. Chapman, attorney at Oakland, and the subject of this sketch.  The last mentioned, being eleven years of age when he came to this coast, has received his education chiefly in Oakland.  In his sixteenth year he entered an architect’s office, and has been an architect to the present time.  In 1891 he opened an office on his own account.  He is a member of some of the athletic clubs.

     He was married in Oakland, 1889, to Miss Anna Reier, a native of this city.



Transcribed 7-22-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 253, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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