San Francisco County




GEORGE CHASE, deputy Treasurer of Alameda county, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, April 17, 1841, a son of Moses and Emily (Stickney) Chase. The Chase family was founded in New England by Aguila, William and Thomas Chase, who were among the early immigrants. Great-grandfather Chase, a resident of Maine, made a visit to Newburyport at the age of ninety-eight, to visit his descendants settled there, and lived a few years longer, dying at his home in Maine.  Grandfather Moses Chase, for many years a resident of Newburyport, Massachusetts, lived to the age of seventy-four.  His son, Moses, the father of George Chase, born July 31, 1806, in Newburyport, was bred to a seafaring life, and being taken with the gold fever in 1849 set out for California by the ship Capitol from Boston, January 24, 1849, around the Horn, arriving in San Francisco on the 19th day of July.  He went to mining for a while, but was driven out of that pursuit by the mountain fever.  Returning to San Francisco he came across the bay and put up a tent at West Oakland Point, supporting himself chiefly by hunting.  Later he moved his tent to what is now the foot of Broadway, and finally to what has since been known as Clinton, where he put up the first frame house, 14 x 24 feet, still in existence as the extension of his son George’s house at the corner of Fourth avenue and Ninth street, East Oakland.  He and three brothers Patten leased from Peralta a body of land extending over and beyond what became Clinton.  After a few years the land was sold by Peralta subject to their lease, and they obtained “Clinton” in settlement of their claim, which they subdivided into building lots and which was known as Clinton.  They also built the first hotel in what is now known as East Oakland, and the largest on this side of the bay.  It was called the Clinton House.  This was burned during Mr. Chase’s absence in the East in 1853, and proved a total loss, there being no insurance in those days.  He returned in 1853 by the Isthmus route, and his son George followed in 1854, in company with his aunt Mary and her husband, James Allen.  The mother, Emily (Stickney) Chase, died in Newburyport, May 11, 1841, when George was but three weeks old.  Grandfather Enoch Stickney lived to the age of ninety-one.  Moses Chase died February 17, 1891, at the age of eighty-four years, six months and sixteen days.

      George Chase went to school in Newburyport in his boyhood, and for a few terms, whenever school was held, after he came to Clinton.  In 1856 he worked as an assistant to the toll-collector on the Twelfth-street bridge, an institution of those days.  He attended the Durant College and went through the preparatory department.  He then helped his father on the sloop he owned and used in freighting to and from San Francisco until 1860.  At the age of eighteen Mr. Chase began to learn the trade of carriage-painter with A. H. Cochran, receiving $300 the first year, and for the second year one-third interest, he paying for half the stock.  The third year Mr. Cochran went out of the carriage-painting business and kept a store in which Mr. Chase was a helper for about one year.  He then went to work for Bangle Brothers, carriage-painters, and in 1965 went to house-painting for them, the pay being better in that line.  In 1867 he went to work on his own account and hired his former employer, Cochran, for one day, when they formed the firm of Cochran & Chase, continuing to August 27, 1868.  Mr. Chase then went East, by the Panama route, chiefly for the rest and recreating, visiting his three maiden aunts Stickney in Newburyport, going also to Portland and Hallowell, Maine and Boston, Massachusetts.  After an absence of five months he returned, and having squared up accounts with his partner he occupied himself in hunting “divers,” for which he was paid $1.25 each by the manufacturers of ladies collars and muffs.  In May, 1869, he formed a partnership with Bransom Bangle, a former employer, under the style of Bangle & Chase, house-painters and contractor, their Field of labor covering San Francisco, Oakland and Alameda. The firm continued until 1878, dissolving mainly on account of an injury to Mr. Chase’s ankle. He then obtained the position of copyist under P. R. Borein, County Recorder, which he held three and a half years, when he was appointed deputy Treasurer by James A. Webster, remaining with him from October, 1881, to December 31, 1886. He was appointed to the same position by Socrates Huff, taking office "the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January," 1887, and is still filling the position of deputy to Mr. Huff. Mr. Chase is a member of Orion Lodge, No. 189, I.O.O.F., of East Oakland. He was married in Clinton, now of Oakland, December 25, 1869, to Miss Mandana E. Boynton, born in Hallowell, Maine, about 1843, of an old New England family. Both parents lived to an advanced age. Mr. And Mrs. Chase are the parents of three living children: Mary Emily, born December 20, 1870, a graduate of the Oakland high school in December, 1889; George Moses, born June 15, 1873, now six feet two and one-half inches in height (his twin sister, Gertie, died at the age of eleven months); Albert Boynton, born August 29, 1879. 

Transcribed 1-23-05 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 285-286, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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