San Francisco County








WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN is a native son, being born in Sacramento county, October 19, 1856.  His parents, Daniel H. C. and Martha (Coolidge) Chapman, came here in 1849 and were among the earliest and best known pioneers of Sacramento valley.  After being here eight years the senior Chapman started East, in September, 1857, on the ill-fated Central America, and was among the lost.  The mother is still living at Sacramento.  The well-known White Rock Spring ranch, their old home, is yet owned by the family.  Our subject completed his school education at the California State University, graduating in the class of 1879 and taking the degree of M. A.  Adopting the legal profession, he read law and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court upon examination in January, 1881.  He engaged in the practice of law in Oakland for one year, then opened an office in San Francisco, and since then has successfully followed his profession here.  Since 1883 he has been associated with Mr. Slack, and the well-known firm of Chapman & Slack have secured a large and responsible clientage.  Mr. Chapman has never sought political preferment, devoting his whole time to the interest of his profession.  He was prevailed upon to accept the office of City Attorney of Berkeley, and member of the School Board.  He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., and is also connected with the A. O. U. W., Chosen Friends, and the Legion of Honor.

      Mr. Chapman married Miss L. E. Medbery, a native of Wisconsin, and a graduate of the University of California, in the class of 1880.  They have three interesting children—Alice Mabyn, aged seven; Lester Hudson, aged four; and Carroll Charles, aged one year.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 180-181 Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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