San Francisco County







JOSEPH FOUNTAIN CHANDLER, Principal of the Franklin School of Oakland was born near McLanesville, Macon County Missouri, September 11, 1850, a son of William P. and Eleanor R. (Butler) Chandler, both natives of Kentucky. The mother born February 15, 1830, a daughter of Joseph D. Butler, a soldier of the war of 1812, and his wife, Eleanor Hayden, died May 26, 1858. The father born in Augusta Kentucky, November 21, 1821, a son of William and Hester Chandler is living.

      His father enlisted in the State militia and served the Union in the Civil War and suffered considerable loss of stock, plundered by both parties.

      The children of William P.and Eleanor R. Chandler are: Henry Adoulphua, born September 30, 1849, now a Physician at McFall, Missouri, a graduate of the Missouri Medical College and the Bellevue Hospital College of New York: J. F. the subject of this sketch; Hester Ellen, born June 26, 1854, now the wife of John Stuck, a builder of Jacksonville, Missouri, has one child, Franklin, born about 1879; Laura Jane, born July 26, 1856, deceased August 6, 1888, unmarried.

      Grandfather William Chandler was a soldier in the Revolution, and a member of the Virginia family of that name, long established there, living to an advanced age. Two children survived him: William P., father of our subject, and Henry, who died comparatively young, was a Captain and owner of a steamboat in the New Orleans trade, dying of yellow fever at the age of thirty-five in 1858, Unmarried.

      J. F. the subject of this sketch was educated in the Public Schools of his birth place, and was graduated from the State normal School, Kirksville, Missouri, in 1876. The father owned a large stock farm chiefly. In early life he had been a tanner at McLanesville about 1858, retired from that pursuit and bought a large tract of land.

      J.F. graduated from Kirksville in 1878, with the degree of Master of Arts, having formerly obtained from that institution during his course Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in 1876. Meanwhile, in 1876, he took charge as Principal of the graded schools of Monroe City, Missouri, remaining two years, and in 1878 edited the Monroe City News, a weekly paper. In 1878 he came to California, arriving in Amador county in July, 1878, obtaining charge of the graded schools in Sutter Creek eight years, four of which he was Superintendent of the Schools of Amador county. He came to Oakland November 1, 1887, being elected to take charge of the Franklin School one of the largest grammar schools of this city.

      Mr. Chandler joined the Masonic fraternity in Sutter Creek, and is now of Oakland Commander, No. 11, K. T., of which he was Recorder, having Previously filled the chairs in the blue lodge and chapter.




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 609, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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