San Francisco County






   Mrs. I. H. Chandler & Co., real estate dealers, rent collectors, money lenders and insurance brokers, Masonic Building, Park street, Alameda.  To illustrate the ability with which a woman may successfully carry on an enterprising and profitable business, it would perhaps be difficult to select a more fitting example than the lady with whose name we introduce this article.  When we see a woman ambitious, energetic and determined to succeed in any special undertaking which she may have marked out for herself, yet at the same time be retiring in disposition and not seeking publicity, she not only excited our admiration but also commands at once our respect.  Among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Alameda there is to be found such a woman.

   Mrs. Chandler, nee Abbott, was born in Andover, Massachusetts.  She was reared and received her education in public high school of Andover.  Her parents were Charles M. and Helen K. (Smith) Abbott,—the former a native of Massachusetts and one of the old and respected pioneers of that State; and the latter, born in Scotland, came to the United States when twelve years of age.  She died in 1869.

   Our subject, the eldest child in a family of three, was married to Increase H. Chandler, a native of Maine, in 1881.  They came from California in 1882, locating in the city of San Francisco.  They located in Alameda in 1885, where for some years Mrs. Chandler was a teacher of vocal music.  She established herself in her present business in 1891, first under the firm name of Hardwick & Co., under which the business continued but a short time when Mrs. Chandler became the sole proprietor.  In the same building Mr. Chandler also carries a well selected stock of wall paper and window shades, and all material connected with the paper-hanging and decorating trade.

   Mr. and Mrs. Chandler have an interesting family of three children, viz.: Helen M., Irene A. and Ralph.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 139-140, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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