San Francisco County











            The phenomenal success the subject of this sketch has attained as a manufacturer and merchant entitles him to be classed with the eminent men of this country. Seventeen years ago he obtained employment as a clerk in a furniture store in San Francisco, and has advanced step by step, until now he is the largest dealer in household, unique and artistic furniture in this State, and controls the business largely in the State of Oregon. Mr. Chadbourne was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1849, received a thorough education in his native city, and engaged in the furniture business, in which he became an expert in all branches. Af (sic) the age of 23, in 1872, he emigrated to California and took a position as clerk in a furniture store on Market street, San Francisco. In 1877 he opened a store with a small stock of goods at 727 Market street. By judicious management and close attention his business assumed proportions that necessitated larger and more commodious quarters. He selected a larger building in 1879, and enlarged his premises to meet his growing trade. In 1883 he moved into the magnificent building comprising Nos. 741, 743 and 745 Market street, containing five lofty stories, with a capacious basement extending beneath the entire structure, which is 60 x 170 feet, built expressly for him under his supervision, and from his plan and design.

            He has branch stores in several of the interior cities in this State, and has reached out and extended his branches into Oregon, Washington Territory, Idaho, British Columbia and Alaska on the north, to Nevada and Montana on the east; on the south to Arizona, New Mexico and South America, and across the ocean to the Hawaiian Islands, Australia, China and Japan.

            “Mr. Chadbourne is a man of great natural abilities, quiet and unassuming in demeanor, yet genial and social in the highest degree in the society of his large circle of friends. Endowed with a fine physique, robust health and a world of practical experience, he possesses all the qualifications for a successful merchant. His temperament is ardent, his nature sanguine and his disposition generous and charitable. Bitterness, rancor nor hate find no lodgment in his breast. He is a live man par excellence, and no believer in theories or isms of any sort; he believes in a man as he finds him, in society as it is, and regulates his life accordingly.”

            He is President, Vice-President or manager of several public enterprises and projects for the development of our State. Although his extensive business, to which he gives his personal attention, absorbs most of his time, he has of late years taken a lively interest in politics, and especially municipal affairs. During this year he was chairman of the Grand Jury of the city and county of San Francisco. The searching inquiries in all the municipal affairs, and the efficient service rendered by this Grand jury has been the subject of much favorable comment by the press, and the approbation of the best citizens. We quote from the Daily Bulletin of July 13th:

            “Judge Levy returned thanks to the jurors for the able manner in which they had performed their duties, and discharged them from further service.

            “The jury then retired to the jury-room and adopted the following:

            “ ‘ Resolved, That the thanks of this Grand Jury are due to its foreman, F. S. Chadbourne, for his zeal and energy in all the matters connected with the business of the Grand Jury, and for his activity and industry in all matters connected with the institutions of the city government. We commend in him an able and intelligent officer, and trust that he may be elevated to official life in this municipality in the interest of good and honest government.’ “





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 88, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

Golden Nugget Library