San Francisco County









      Joseph Francis Cavagnaro, long a prominent figure in financial and professional circles of San Francisco, was called to his final rest October 24, 1930. The following resolutions, passed by the board of directors of the Bank of Italy, give the story of his career:

      WHEREAS, since our last meeting, Joseph Francis Cavagnaro, the faithful Secretary of this Bank for more than twenty-five years, has passed to the Great Beyond,


      BE IT RESOLVED, that in recognition of the high esteem in which he was held by this Board of Directors, and in recognition of his long and faithful service, it is entirely fitting and proper that a record be made in the minutes of this Board of Directors, which he so faithfully  kept, of his character, life and accomplishments.

      Mr. Joseph Francis Cavagnaro was born at Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, California, on January 16, 1858. His father was Carlo E. Cavagnaro and his mother was Augustine Maria Cavagnaro, nee Bacigalupi, born of Genoa, Italy. His father and mother landed in California via the Isthmus route, in 1851. The family home of the Cavagnaros was established at Hornitos, Mariposa County, where Joseph Francis Cavagnaro lived until he entered Santa Clara College in 1871. In 1876 he graduated from Santa Clara College as a Bachelor of Science, and in the following year he took his Master degree in science. He thereupon entered Hastings College of Law and graduated therefrom in 1881 with the degree of Bachelor of Law. He immediately commenced the practice of law in San Francisco, which profession he followed up to the time of his death.

      During his many years of active practice he established an enviable reputation as a stanch, honest and fearless adviser, and maintained the highest ethical standard in his profession.

      Mr. Cavagnaro was extremely devoted to his duties as Secretary of this Bank. All transactions of the corporation were recorded by him with meticulous care, and until a few years ago all of such minutes and proceedings were recorded in his own handwriting;

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, therefore, that this Board, in meeting assembled, pays its homage and respect to its departed Secretary, and expresses its great appreciation of the sterling services which he rendered to it over the long period during which he acted as its Secretary. This Board further wishes to him, at the hands of a Higher Power, the full reward of a life well lived.

      To the widow and children who survive him, this Board expresses its sincere sympathy, and joins them in their bereavement.

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board now adjourn in deep respect to the memory of our departed Secretary, Joseph Francis Cavagnaro.

      On the 24th of October, 1893, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mr. Cavagnaro was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Finley, a native of that city, whose acquaintance he had formed when she came to San Francisco to visit a brother. They were the parents of a daughter and a son, namely: Priscilla Anastasia, now a member of the Maryknoll sisterhood; and James Finley, who  took a three-year law course in Hastings College and is married and has a son, James Finely Cavagnaro, Jr.

      Joseph F. Cavagnaro was an active supporter of the democratic party but never aspired to public office. He rendered effective service to the government as a member of the draft board during the World war, and he enjoyed high standing among San Francisco’s substantial and respected citizens. Honorable in business and professional relations, loyal in citizenship, charitable in thought, kindly in action, true to every trust confided to his care, his life was the highest type of Christian manhood.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 247-249.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County