San Francisco County



Joseph F. Cavagnaro, a prominent young lawyer of San Francisco, was born in Calaveras county.  His father came to this State in the early days; and shortly after, as was natural, went to the mines.  He did not remain long in Calaveras county, but removed to Mariposa county, and in that county the present Mr. Cavagnaro was raised and partly educated.  He attended the public schools there and made good progress, for he had a quick mind and retentive memory.  He was entered afterwards at Santa Clara College, where so many bright young men graduated; this was in 1874.  In 1878 he took the degree of B.of S. there, and the following year the degree of Master of Science. When he had completed his studies at Santa Clara he came to this city and took the course in the Hastings College of Law, graduating there in the year 1882.  About a year afterwards he began the practice of his profession here, having in the meantime obtained an excellent familiarity in pleading, etc., and routine law work through careful observation and attendance at court.  Mr. Cavagnaro practiced alone until the first of the year, when he associated with Congressman A. Caminetti and Wm. J. McGee, under the title of Caminetti, McGee & Cavagnaro.  His practice has been in the main a civil one, to which line he readily inclines, for he is a thoroughly conservative man, and has little liking for parade or the sensationalism that attends a criminal practice.  Mr.. Cavagnaro devotes his whole time to his law duties.  He is a zealous, industrious advocate, and leaves no stone unturned in a legitimate way to attain success in his actions. This is well recognized; hence his practice is steadily increasing.  He belongs to few clubs or societies if we except Yerba Buena Parlor of Native Sons.  Mr. Cavagnaro is a well-read, cultured man, an earnest man in everything.  He is well esteemed for his kindly, genial traits of character, and respected for his ability, and the worthy ambition he shows to make a success of his life-work and leave a good record to those who may come after him.


Transcribed 4-18-05  Marilyn R. Pankey

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 59, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.





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