San Francisco County












            There is no man on the Pacific Coast more prominent in the higher degrees of Masonry than Judge Caswell. His genial nature, broad experience, and high literary attainments make him a fit representative of these eminent orders. His former occupations and profession as editor, lawyer, and judge, were filled with distinction, credit and ability.

            His Masonic life commenced in Nevada City in 1850. He was exalted to the Royal Arch degree, January, 1855; created Knight Templar, April 5, 1855; crowned an active thirty-third degree member of Supreme Council for Southern Jurisdiction in the city of Baltimore, May, 1870; and in October, 1882, was made Grand Minister of State of the Supreme Council of the 33d degree Inspector Grand, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.

            He was master of Nevada Lodge, No. 13, for four years; High Priest of Nevada Chapter, No. 6, for nine years; Commander of Nevada Commandery, No. 6, for three years; elected Grand High Priest in 1858, Grand Commander in 1873, and Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter, and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery of California in 1878, which position he still occupies. At the recent session of the Supreme Council, 33d degree of A. & A. & R., Southern Jurisdiction, held at Washington City, Mr. Caswell was elected Grand Minister of state of that body.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 111, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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