Charles Casassa

Charles Casassa is a member of the firm of Paulucci & Casassa, successors to L. Arata & Co., commission merchants and produce dealers, 515 and 517 Davis street, San Francisco. He was born in the province of Cicagna, Italy, September 19, 1847.  His parents were Francisco and Maria (Gnecco) Casassa, both of whom were natives also of Italy, and had eight children, Charles being the eighth.  The father died in 1855; the mother is still living, and a resident of San Francisco. They are of a long-lived and prolific race.  The mother, now aged eighty-four years, is hale and hearty.

     Mr. Casassa accompanied his parents to Boston, Massachusetts, when seven years of age, and there young Charles received his education under the supervision of a private instructor, and later learned the trade of painting.  He came to California via Panama, on the steamers Eastern Queen and Golden Age, in 1867, and engaged in selling vegetables for fifteen years.  He became a partner in his present business in 1884, which has since progressed and flourished, and now extends far into the interior of the State.

     Mr. Casassa was married, in San Francisco, in 1870, to Miss Kate Agnes McQuade, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and they have five children, all of whom are living, namely:  Maria, Maggie, Charles, Katie and Rosa.

     Politically Mr. Casassa is a Republican, taking an active part in local matters. He belongs to Bernal Lodge, No. 19, A.O.U.W. of San Francisco.


Transcribed 10-25-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 564, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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