Thomas Hubbard Caswell




Volume V.  No. 3

Denver, Colorado

May 1896

Page 65.


Thomas Hubbard Caswell

Ground Commander Supreme Council 33 Degrees, A. 

And A. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.


The subject of this sketch was born at Exeter, in Otsego County, New York, August 10, 1825.  He was a bright and studios lad and st [at] the age of 17 was employed as sub-editor and reporter for "Freeman's Journal", at Cooperstown.  In 1843 he spent a year in Arkansas for the benefit of his health.  He then went to Kentucky and completed his education at St. Mary-s college.  Returned to Arkansas, studied law and was admitted to practice in October, 1848. Was seized with the California gold fever and started thither overland with a well-equipped party from Fort Smith, Ark., April 1, 1849, passing through northern Mexico by way of Gorgona pass, San San Bernardino pass, Santa Cruz, the headwaters of the Santa Maria, Tubac, Tucson, across the desert to the Gila, and then the Colorado desert and so on, into San Diego, which they reached after many hardships, in October, 1849. Here the party chartered the British bark which took them to San Francisco.


Bro. Caswell first engaged in the stevedoring business with a partner named Johnson, continuing in the same until January, 1850, when their lighters were destroyed by a severe storm.  Abandoning this business, other plans were interfered with by the great flood of January 8, and he drifted into journalism again becoming a reporter for the "Pacific News".  The paper having changed hands, Bro. Caswell went into the interior mining towns, returning June 1, to San Francisco.  The great discoveries at Nevada City induced him to go thither, where he engaged in mining and merchandising.  He was elected county judge, in which office he served for several years.  After leaving the bench he practiced his profession up to 1866 from which he retired to devote for himself exclusively to his Masonic duties.  Some years ago he moved to San Francisco, where he continued to reside until called to Washington, D.C., to assume the duties of the office of Grand Commander.


Bro. Caswell was married January, 1853, to Miss Mary Jones, of Washington, Arkansas, having secured leave of absence from the legislature.  His married life has been most happy, seven children have blessed the union, five sons and two daughters, of whom two sons and two daughters are still living.


His Masonic record is as follows: Raised June 7, 1851, in Nevada Lodge No. 13.  Exalted in Nevada County No. 6 in January, 1855.  Received the Orders of Knighthood in Sacramento April 5, 1855.  He was Master of Nevada Lodge No. 13 for four years.  High Priest of Nevada Chapter No. 6 for nine years.  Commander of Nevada Commandery No. 6 for three years.  Elected Grand High Priest in 1858; Grand Commander in 1873; and Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery of California in 1878; elected Grand Recorder of the Grand Council in 1880 and was Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence in all these bodies, which positions he held until his removal to Washington.  We are without data as to when and where he received the degrees of the Scottish Rite.  He was crowned an active Inspector-General 33 Degrees by the Supreme Council at its session in May, 1870.  In 1888 elected Grand Chancellor, in 1892 Grand Prior, and in October, 1893, Deputy Grand Commander.  Upon the death of Grand Commander Philip C. Tucker on July 5, 1894, he was called upon to assume the duties of the office.  At its session in of the Supreme Council held October, 1895, he was elected Grand Commander.  His long and varied service in all branches of Masonry is safe assurance of an able discharge of its manifold duties.


Source: Square and Compass, A Journal of Masonry. Lawrence N. Greenleaf, Editor and Publisher. Published monthly, Volume 5, March 1896 to March 1897.  Denver, Colorado.


Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

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Golden Nugget Library