San Francisco County






TOM CARPENTER, V.S., of Oakland, was born in Dartmouth, England, June 19, 1862, a son of William Henry and Harriet (Edwards) Carpenter, now of San Francisco, where they first settled in 1869. The subject of this sketch was educated in the Lincoln Primary and grammar schools of that city, afterwards receiving instruction in Latin and French from a private tutor. When the family went to Europe in 1879 he gave up his studies until the return of the family to San Francisco in 1881. In 1883 he visited Puget Sound and the Fraser river country, and located a pre-emption claim in Whatcom county, Washington Territory. In 1883 he took charge of his father’s veterinary infirmary as superintendent, and became a student of veterinary science.

      In 1885 he went to Toronto, Canada, and entered the Ontario Veterinary College, which institution was established in that city in 1862, under the direction of the Council of Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario, who insure a high standard of technical education by appointing the examiners. These are selected outside of the college faculty from among the most eminent of the profession in the United States and Canada, and chiefly from the ranks of those actively engaged in practice. By this means, as well as by the employment, as professors, of men of recognized ability in their respective lines of study, which comprise anatomy, physiology, pathology, bacteriology, materia medica, microscopy and chemistry, with a vast amount of clinical instruction, the Ontario Veterinary College has attained a high standing, its diploma being accepted in this country and in Europe as evidence of a thorough education in veterinary art and science. During his vacations while at college Mr. Carpenter practiced under the direct supervision of a practical veterinarian at Dayton, Ohio. In connection with his regular studies at college he took a special course in veterinary dentistry. On March 30, 1888, he received his diploma from the Ontario Veterinary College. The Ontario Veterinary Medical Society, in acknowledgment of valuable contributions in the line of essays on disease, conferred on Dr. Carpenter their certificate of Honorary Fellowship.

      Returning to this coast, he settled in Oakland and conducted a veterinary infirmary for two years, but his practice grew so rapidly and reached such large and wide-spread dimensions that he could no longer properly superintend such an institution. Besides his very fine patronage on this bay, his services are in frequent requisition through the interior from Shasta to San Diego. For so short a time his success has been phenomenal. Outside of his professional labors he is interested in Masonry, Odd Fellowship and the Sons of St. George, being a member of these respective orders. His chief interest has been in the work of the Alameda County Humane Society, which he helped to reorganize in 1890.

      Mr. Carpenter was married in St. Paul*s church, New York city, May 21, 1889, to Miss Annie Elizabeth Hix, of Devonshire, England. 

Transcribed 1-30-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 292-293, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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