San Francisco County






THE CARLSON-CURRIER SILK MANUFACTURING COMPANY—This important industry was started in San Francisco in 1876, first as an agency of Belding Bros. & Co., silk manufacturers. Mr. James Currier had been in the employ of the Beldings at Chicago, and came from there to California to help start the business in San Francisco.

      In 1877 the partnership of Carlson & Currier was organized, and from the start has had a steady and substantial growth. In 1887 they incorporated, C. H. Carlson, son of the elder Mr. Carlson, being admitted to the business. They began manufacturing in 1880, with one spooling machine and one girl to operate it; and from that small beginning the business has gradually increased until they have a full fledged mill, employing 125 hands. This is the only silk-thread manufactory west of Belding, Michigan. It’s product is far superior to English or German silk thread and competes favorably with any goods made in the world. This company also manufactures mens’ and ladies’ silk hosiery and underwear. All goods are sold at wholesale, and find a market from British Columbia to Central America, and as far east as Salt Lake City, also in the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand and Australia.

      Under the intelligent management of its efficient directors, this business has grown to be one of the important enterprises of the city of San Francisco.

Transcribed by 9-15-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 338, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.






C. HADLEY CARLSON, junior member of the Carlson-Currier Silk Manufacturing Company, San Francisco, is a native of Portland, Oregon. When an infant, he was brought by his parents to this city. Received a college education, and after completing his course entered business. In 1887 he became a member of the company, and now holds the important position of treasurer and financier.

Mr. Carlson comes of Anglo German ancestry. His grandfather on his father’s side was a prominent German soldier, residing at Hamburg. His father, also a native of that city, came to the United States, and was an officer in the Union army during the late war. He is now retired from active business and resides in Berkeley, where he has a beautiful home and everything to make the evening of his life enjoyable.

Mr. Carlson married Miss Louise Howard, a native of San Francisco. Mr. Carlson is a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Politically he is a Republican.





J. P. CURRIER, vice-president and secretary of the Carlson-Currier Silk Manufacturing Company, is a native of Hillsborough, New Hampshire. His grandfather, James Currier, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and removed from there to New Hampshire, where Isaac Newton Currier, father of our subject, was born. He married Hannah G. Richardson, also a native New Hampshire and a descendant of an old New England family.

J. P. Currier was educated at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and at Tilton, New Hampshire. After leaving home, he was first employed in the ticket office of the New York & New England Railroad. He went to Chicago just after the great fire there, and has since been engaged in the silk business.

He married Miss Gertrude Laurelliard, a native of St. John, New Brunswick, by whom he has two children. Mr. Currier is a member of the Olympic Club of San Francisco, and in politics affiliates with the Republican party.



Transcribed by 9-15-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 338-339, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.


© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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