San Francisco County



General John T. Carey


General John T. Carey, United States Attorney for the District of San Francisco, was born in Clay county, Missouri, and brought to this coast when a mere child by his father, who came with the early miners and is still living, in Sacramento county, engaged in farming, stock-raising, etc.  He is also proprietor of the Sacramento street railroad and other property, and for several years was President of the State Agricultural Society.  All his life he has been a man of great industry.  The subject of this sketch completed his school education at the Pacific Methodist College at Santa Rosa.  Returning to Sacramento, he began the study of law in the office of Coffroth & Spaulding, and in 1869 was admitted to the bar.  Having an excellent memory, and being associated with first-class lawyers, he became thorough.  He engaged in general practice up to the time he was elected District Attorney of that county in 1883, on the Democratic ticket, with a flattering majority.  After the expiration of his term of service he resumed practice until he was appointed United States Attorney for the San Francisco District, November 29, 1887.  He derives his title of “General” from the National Guard of this State, having risen from rank to rank until he became Brigadier-Commander of the Fourth Brigade.  He has always taken great interest in military matters.  He is a member of the Bar Association and of the Pacific Club.  As a lawyer and as a statesman he has been particularly prominent in Chinese cases, in which much labor was involved, having to meet and oppose a powerful combination; but he successfully met every argument.  Socially General Carey is very much esteemed.  He is a companionable, refined gentleman, and certainly has a bright future before him.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 648-649, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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