San Francisco County







JOSEPH CARBONE is one of the most enterprising members of the Italian population in the city of San Francisco. He was born in 1859, and was educated at Turin, Italy. As a boy he studied botany with his father who was a Professor of this science. Then it was, possibly, that he acquired a taste for the business he has pursued since arriving at years of maturity. He went from Turin to Paris where he passed four years in the florist’s business; thence he came to the United States in 1881, and located in Pennsylvania, remaining there one year; he next went to Chicago and after residence of two and a half years he came to San Francisco, he embarked in business at 343 Kearney street, which is his present location. It was not long after his arrival here that he formed a partnership with Paul Monti. They have been very prosperous and have realized their most sanguine expectations. In 1887 they opened a branch store at 619 Valencia Street, which also received a generous patronage. They own a nursery at Alameda, where they have nine greenhouses; there they cultivate ornamental trees, and plants of every description; their stock is very choice, and their trade in cut flowers alone is an important business. Mr. Carbone is a stockholder in the Carrara marble quarry, which promises to be one of the leading industries of the Pacific Coast; the city works are at 1219 Market Street and the patronage of Stanford University is of itself an excellent guaranty. He also owns a ranch in Shasta County to which he gives some attention. In 1888 he entered in marriage to Miss Maria Isakson. He is treasurer of the California florist club. He became a citizen of the United States and faithfully discharges his duty in that capacity. He is an accomplished linguist, speaking the Italian, Spanish, French and English languages with equal fluency, and has that courteous genial manner that insures many friends.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 513, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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