San Francisco County








PETER CANEPA is a native of Genoa, Italy, and did not become a citizen of this Country until 1874. In his youth he was engaged in the business of manufacturing flannel garments, and continued this business until he immigrated to America. He came at once to California. But did not engage in business here until 1875, when he started the Establishment Baths at 325 Montgomery Avenue. These baths are supplied with Spring Valley water, and Mr. Canepa put in his own engine for heating purposes.

      Like most Californians, Mr. Canepa has some agricultural interests; he is one of the original members of the Italian-Swiss Agricultural Colony at Asti, Sonoma county, and since 1884 has been one of the Board of Directors. The Colony owns 1,500 acres of land, 650 of which are planted to wine grapes from imported vines, 100 in assorted fruits, 250 in grain and hay, and the balance in preparation for vines.

      Our subject was married in the city of his birth, and brought his wife to California in 1874. He has recently purchased property at 608 Filbert street, where they reside. He is a member of Speranza Italiana, No. 209, F. & A. M.; Miantoma Tribe, No. 9, A. O. R. M.; The Italian Benevolent Society; the Garibaldi and Bersaglieri Societies, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 520-521, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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