San Francisco County






      J. C. CAMPBELL, a lawyer of San Francisco, was born in Indiana, October 31, 1852.  His father, John Alexander Campbell, a native of Scotland, was a prominent pioneer minister in the Scotch Presbyterian Church of Indiana. He married a Miss Claybaugh, a native of Ohio.  Mr. Campbell was reared and received his education in his native State, attending for a time the academy at Logansport.  He studied law and was admitted to the bar in June, 1873.  Three years later, in October, 1876, he came to the Pacific coast and engaged in the practice of law at Stockton.  Here his ability and devotion to the interests of his profession was quickly recognized.  He received the nomination for District Attorney and was several times holding this important office, six years.  He remained in Stockton, one of the leading members of the bar of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, until the fall of 1890, when he was induced to come to San Francisco and became a member of the prominent law firm of Reddy, Campbell & Metson.

     Mr. Campbell is in his political views strongly Republican, and during the late campaign he took an active part in the election of Governor Markham, making a canvass of the State.  Mr. Campbell is prominent identified with the Masonic order.


Transcribed 11-15-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 274, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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