San Francisco County







     JULES CALLANDREAU, M.D., whose office is at No. 1,307 Stockton street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1873, during which time he has been continuously engaged in the practice of medicine.  He was born at Oradour-Sur-Vayres, Haute-Vienne, France, in 1849, and his early education was received in the local schools of his native village.  He afterward entered the preparatory college at Dorat, in the same department where he was graduated in 1865, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sciences.  He then commenced the study of medicine at the preparatory Medical School of Limoges, where he remained two years, and during the second year was selected as interne or assistant to the clinics.  Dr. Callandreau then entered the college of the faculty of medicine at Paris, graduating at that institution after a course of six years, early in 1873.  During one of those years he was externe or outside assistant at the hospitals, and for two years served as interne, having had an extensive general practice, and especially in the field of infants’ and children’s diseases; also following assiduously the clinics of the best surgeons in Paris.  After passing his examination, but previous to reaching his degree of Doctor of Medicine, the Franco-Prussian war came on, and he was appointed in one of the ambulance corps, which was stationed on the ramparts of Paris during the siege, remaining in this service until the close of the war.  He also served in the hospitals during the reign of the commune in Paris.  Soon after receiving his degree he came to San Francisco, engaged in private practice, in which he has since continued.  He is a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society.  Dr. Callandreau has always devoted himself to a general family practice, in which he has been very successful.

     The Doctor’s family on his father’s side have been long residents of the Charente Department, and on his mother’s side of the Haute-Vienne Department of France.  Those families have long represented the business and professional ranks of life in those parts of France.  His father is now a Justice of the Peace, which office he has held since the fall of the late Emperor Napoleon.  Dr. Callandreau went to Europe in 1884 as a delegate of the San Francisco Medical Benevolent Society to the Medical Congress held at Copenhagen, and remained fifteen months, pursuing the great studies made in medicine and surgery on the continent of Europe.  He is now over there again with the view of inspecting the London and Paris hospitals, taking besides a well-earned rest amid the artistic treasuries of the Old World, of which he is a keen connoisseur, and is expected back from Europe to resume his practice about the end of September of the present year.

     He is a life member of the San Francisco Art Association, and of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.  He is the Consulting Physician to the French Hospital, and a life member of the French Benevolent Society.  He was one of the founders of the Spanish Benevolent society, of which he is a life member and a physician.


Transcribed 8-27-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 268-9, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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