San Francisco County






     D. T. Callahan, M.D., whose residence is at 1003 Devisadero street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1852, and for a few years of his earlier life was engaged in practice of medicine.  He was born at Grand Gulf, Mississippi, in 1846, the son of the late Jeremiah Callahan, who was one of the pioneer merchants of San Francisco.  He was connected with his brother, Daniel, in the early days of California in Shasta county.  In 1857 he established himself in this city and attended to the receiving and forwarding of merchandise to the houses in Shasta.  He was also prominent in the organization of the Hibernian Bank of this city, in which he was a director for many years.  At an early day Mr. Callahan bought largely of real estate in this city, which has become very valuable. He died in this county in 1872; and was a native of the county of Cork, Ireland, having come to America as a young man, settling first in New York and then at Grand Gulf, Mississippi, where he acquired considerable property interests.  The excitement following the discovery of gold brought him to California, where he soon became recognized as one of the active and leading spirits in its material development.

     The subject of this sketch received his early education at the Mount St. Mary’s College of Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he remained four years.  He later went to Europe, where he studied at the l’Ecole des Mines, receiving his education in chemistry, mining, mineralogy, etc.  Returning to California, he entered the medical department of the University of California, where he graduated in 1875.  He then entered into practice in San Francisco and Oakland, in which he continued for several years.  Failing health caused him to give up the practice of medicine, and he has since devoted himself to his private property interests and literary pursuits.  Dr. Callahan has published since that time several volumes of poetry, among which are best known “Calderon Antiope,” and the drama entitled “The Legion of Honor,” which has been brought out at the Baldwin Theater of this city.  The latter is a production adopted from the French drama entitled L’Honneur de la Maison.  Besides his literary work, Dr. Callahan occasionally indulges in speculations.

Transcribed 8-24-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 267-8, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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