San Francisco County







ROBERT G. BYXBEE.–In connection with the great lumber interests of San Francisco there are few names better known than that of Mr. Byxbee. He has been so long prominently identified with the business circles of the place that it is fitting to record the following facts in regard to his career. He was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, and belongs to an old family of New England who stood high in social and business circles. He removed to New York at the age of eighteen years, and there he had his first business experience. California proved a strong magnet to him as it had to so many others, and accordingly his residence in New York was of short duration. He sailed from that port in the clipper Ino, rounded Cape Horn, and arrived in San Francisco in June, 1852. He did not join the band of gold-seekers, but accepted a position with the house of Neefus & Tichenor, lumber dealers. In 1858 he became a partner in the establishment, the firm being known as H. B. Tichenor & Co. In 1883 Mr. Tichenor died, and the house was incorporated under the title of the Navarro Mill Company, with Mr. Byxbee as president. The corporation owns extensive redwood lands, and is largely interested in the coasting fleet.   

      Mr. Byxbee has not invested in any other enterprise, as the demands of this business have consumed all his time. He is a thorough Californian, devoted to the best interests of the State. Politically he is identified with the Republican party, and during the war was a staunch Union man. He has contributed liberally to many worthy enterprises here, and for long years was a member of the Mercantile Library. He is now a member of the Merchants’ Exchange, and is regarded as a type of the representative Californian. His brother, John F. Byxbee, also well and favorably known here, is associated with him in business; he came to the coast later on, and has been connected with the lumber industry in the main ever since.


Transcribed 6-5-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 415, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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