San Francisco County








SAMUEL HAWKINS BUTEAU, M.D., Resident Physician of Oakland General Hospital under the auspices of the Alameda County Medical Association, was born in Camp Girardean, Missouri, January 4, 1864, a son of Samuel Aubert and Helen Hawkins) Buteau, both living in 1891. The father, a native of Canada, was educated for the Medical Profession at Castleton, Vermont, and was a teacher of languages in a college in Vermont, was graduated from the Castleton Medical College, practiced in Vermont for about ten years and was there married in 1852, his wife being a native of that State, of New England descent for some generations. She was also a teacher in the same institution, moved to Missouri and owned a cotton Plantation farther south, a general store at Cape Girardean, and also practiced his profession in 1856, and was well established and prosperous when the Civil war interfered with his interests. He moved with his family to California in 1869, after the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad. After a short time at Napa, he settled at Centerville, Alameda County, and practiced his profession about sixteen years. In 1886 he retired from practice, and lives with his children: Mary E., the wife of Mr. J. H. Mount, a real estate agent in Napa; Frank Horatio, now of Oakland, local manager of Mockbee & Boyers, dealers in poultry and vegetables; Minnie M., the wife of Rev. J. W. Lundy, a Presbyterian minister of San Mateo; Samuel H., our Subject; Minnie M., above Helen S., living with her parents. The father was born about 1820, the mother about 1835. Grandfather Horatio Hawkins lived to be eighty-two, dying in Napa in 1888. Grandfather Samuel Aubert, Sr., lived to be over ninety, dying in Montreal, being connected for many years with the Department of Fishery. Dr. S.H. was first educated in the local school in Centerville, and entered the Oakland High School at fourteen, and took a full course shortened by three months. He then had a private teacher instead of the normal school, and became a teacher, following his profession in Humboldt County; then later in Tulare County as principal of San Lorenzo School three years. In 1886 he began the Study of medicine in the Cooper Medical College, graduating in October 1889, after a three years course, and got his diploma the same year, and began practice in this city before the close of the year, and was appointed resident Physician of the Oakland General Hospital in April 1890. He is a member of the Alameda County Medical Association.

      Mrs. Buteau is an artist of Oakland, has done some work that has attracted attention, and teaches painting in different lines.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 608-609, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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