San Francisco County






     W. N. BUSH, Principal of the Commercial High School in San Francisco, was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, in 1857, of New England parents, attended school during boyhood, and after completing his preparatory course, entered Harvard College and graduated in the class of 1882.  The following year he went to Peoria, Illinois, and the same year came to San Francisco, and was appointed to the head of the mathematical department of the Oakland high school, and retained that position three years.  He then occupied a similar position, as the head of the mathematical department of the Boys’ High School in San Francisco.  The Commercial High School was organized in 1883, the course embracing twelve to eighteen months.  In October, 1889, it was declared a high school by the Board of Education.  Professor Bush was offered and accepted the position as Principal of the school.  The course was lengthened to two years, and several academic studies added, together with English literature, geometry, physics and Spanish.  In the type-writing department are thirty-five type-writers, and each pupil has two hours’ daily practice in short-hand.  There are ten regular and several special teachers.  The enrollment has increased from 50 to 500.  Prof. Bush is prominently identified with the teaching profession of the city, with the State Teachers’ Association, and educational work of the Pacific coast generally, being a regular contributor at the sessions of these organizations.

Transcribed 8-17-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 264-5, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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