San Francisco County









GEORGE J. BUCKNALL., M.D., has been a resident of California for the past twenty years, during which time he has practiced continuously in San Francisco. He was born in New York City, in 1836, and also received his early education in that city. In 1854 he entered Columbia College, where he spent several years. He then came to San Francisco on a visit in 1856, but liking the country he remained several years. The Doctor then went to Europe and traveled about one year, again returning to San Francisco, where he made a short visit. Returning to Europe in 1859 he entered the school of Medicine in Paris, where he remained three years. On the Breaking out of the war he returned to New York early in 1862, and entered the volunteer service as surgeon. Proceeding with his regiment to the Potomac army, then under the command of General McClellan, he participated in the peninsular campaign. Malaria contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy, however, required his return to New York, where his Physicians said that his health could not be re-established if he returned to the hardships and exposures of the Potomac army. He resigned from the service but later acted as examining surgeon of recruits for the volunteer service.

      When he resigned from the army Dr. Bucknall continued the further study of Medicine in the College of Physicians and surgeons of New York and under the preceptor ship of Dr. Willard Parker, one of the Professors of that institution, at which he graduated in 1864. Proceeding to Europe he was there married, at Frankfort-on-the-main, to Miss Mary E. Davis, step-daughter of the late Eugene L. Sullivan, a prominent attorney of San Francisco, and a Granddaughter of George C. Yount, one of the earliest white settlers of California, who owned much of the country around Yountville, Napa County, and from whom that town was called. Mr. Yount was the Principal mover toward the rescue of the Donner party from the snows of the Sierras in the winter of 1846-47. Mr. Bucknall was the first child of American- Parentage born in San Francisco.

      Dr. Bucknall remained abroad about five years, during which time he pursued his medical studies in the various hospitals of Europe, making a specialty of dermatology (diseases of the skin). Returning to America in 1868, he came at once to San Francisco and entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he has been engaged continuously since. He has always been an earnest and active adherent of the Republican Party, devoting both his time and means to its success, yet he would never accept any official recognition of these services. He was one of the originators of the Dirigo Club, which has lately been merged into the Union League Club of San Francisco. He was also for several years one of the members of Company B, City Guard of the first Regiment of Infantry, National Guard of California, and served in that command during the riots. Dr. Bucknall is one of the visiting physicians of St. Luke’s Hospital; is a member of the State Medical Society of San Francisco, and was Surgeon-General on the staff of Governors Booth and Pacheco from 1872 to 1876.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 619, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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