San Francisco County










President of the Past Masters’ Association of California.



            This is an age of society life. It is well illustrated in the life of our genial frater, whose portrait adorns this page. He was born in Niagara, Province of Ontario, in 1836. At the age of twenty-two years he was raised to the degree of Master Mason, and in December of the same year was elected Junior Warden of his lodge. In 1858 he was elected Worshipful Master, and succeeded himself for three years. In 1864 he came to California, and affiliated with Oriental Lodge soon after. He was elected President of the Past Masters’ Association of California in 1886, re-elected in 1887, and is new (sic) serving as such for 1888. He holds membership in California Chapter, No. 4, Order Eastern Star, American Legion of Honor, Caledonian Club, Society of True Friends, Canadian Association, Legion of the West, and several benevolent and social societies. In each of these organizations he has always taken a leading position and official station, and is now Grand Vice-Commander in the Legion of the West. Although he has given a great deal of time to fraternal and beneficiary orders, he maintains a high standing among business men, is a member of the San Francisco Board of Trade, and head of the house of Brown & Metzner, importers and wholesale agents for manufacturers for some of the largest houses in the United States, in silk, woolen, cotton and flax.

            As a merchant he has been prosperous, as a citizen he is highly respected, especially among his associates in the council room or around the festive board, where by wise counsel or kindly expressions he has the rare faculty of making every one feel at ease, and the lodge room a happy society home. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 27, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1890.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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