San Francisco County









      Roy A. Bronson, a representative and successful attorney of San Francisco, has here been actively engaged in law practice as a member of the firm of Bronson, Bronson & Slaven since his admission to the bar in 1914. He was born in Los Angeles, California, July 20, 1889, his parents being Edward D. and Mabel (Knox) Bronson, the latter a relative of Philander C. Knox, celebrated lawyer and statesman. Edward D. Bronson came to California as a young man after his graduation from the University of Wisconsin in 1875, and in Los Angeles married Miss Mabel Knox, who had been brought to this state as a girl by her parents. Eventually the couple came to the Bay district, and Mr. Bronson was successfully engaged in business as a publisher and wholesale book dealer in the old Phelan building in San Francisco until the great fire of 1906, when he retired from active life. Both he and his wife still survive and are numbered among the well known and highly esteemed residents of this city.

      In the acquirement of an education Roy A. Bronson attended the public schools of Oakland, the Lick High school of San Francisco and also the Oakland high school, being graduated from the last named in 1908. His  more advanced intellectual and professional training was received as a student at the University of Santa Clara, which institution conferred upon him with highest class honors the degree of Bachelor of Art maxima cum laude in 1912, that of Master of Arts in 1913 and that of Bachelor of Laws in 1914. He was a member of the first law class graduated from the University of Santa Clara. Following his admission to the bar in 1914 he joined his brother, E. D. Bronson, Jr., and Thomas W. Slaven in organizing the firm of Bronson, Bronson & Slaven, which has since maintained offices in the Hunter-Dulin building at 111 Sutter street, San Francisco, and has been accorded an extensive and gratifying clientage. Mr. Bronson is remarkable among lawyers for the wide research and provident care with which he prepares his cases. At no time has his reading ever been confined to the limitations of the questions at issue. It has gone beyond and compassed every contingency and provided not alone for the expected but for the unexpected, which happens in the courts quite as frequently as out of them.

      In early manhood Mr. Bronson was united in marriage to Miss Clarisse Caspers, a native of San Jose, California, and they are the parents of three children: Jean, Margarey and Claire. A man of domestic tastes, Mr. Bronson devotes his leisure to research work and to the supervision of his ranch near Sunnyvale. He belongs to the Claremont Country Club and the Mount Diablo Country Club, while along strictly professional lines he has membership in the American, California State and San Francisco Bar Associations.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 181-182.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County