San Francisco County









      Rev. John W. Brockhage, well known and respected in San Francisco as the pastor of the Church of the Holy Cross, at 1822 Eddy street, was born in Oakland, California, October 2, 1873, and is a son of John F. and Mary M. (Wetzel) Brockhage. His parents were early settlers in the bay district, having come here by way of the Isthmus of Panama in the year 1861. For many years, the father was identified with the abstract business in San Francisco. John F. Brockhage was a native of Germany, while his wife was born in Pennsylvania. The latter lived to the advanced age of ninety-one years.

      The Rev. Father Brockhage first attended parochial schools of Oakland, and in 1891 entered St. Charles’ College near Baltimore, Maryland. Later, he returned to San Francisco and studied at St. Ignatius College until 1895, and then went back east to St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore for further theological training, after which he again returned to California and took up his studies at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. He was ordained to the priesthood there in 1900. For twenty years, from 1898 until 1918, he engaged in teaching at St. Patrick’s Seminary. In the last named year, he became pastor of the Church of the Holy Cross, succeeding the Rev. John F. McGinty, who was the first pastor of this congregation, and who died February 16, 1918. Rev. Father Brockhage has done notable work since he has held this position, and has won the sincere affection and esteem of his parishioners. He has likewise manifested genuine interest in public affairs, as characteristic of his holy profession.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 294-295.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County