San Francisco County







   J. BROWELL, one of the oldest mechanics in San Francisco, has been a resident of this State since the early fifties.

   He was born in England, April 1, 1827, and grew up and attended school in his native land.  He served an apprenticeship to the trade of shipbuilding.  In 1852 he emigrated to America and two years later came overland to California.  This overland journey was a long and tedious one and occupied two seasons.  When they reached Omaha all their provisions were washed away, and a fresh supply had to be obtained from St. Louis.  After his arrival in this State he worked for a time at his trade of ship carpenter and afterward turned his attention to contracting, capping, piling, building wharfs, etc.  He also engaged in manufacturing cement pipes, and was among the first to originate and manufacture sewer pipe, which is acknowledged to be the best and most practical in use, and also makes chimney tops, stove linings, etc.  He has had an extensive experience in this work here, having been in the employ of Michael Reese over thirty years; also A. B. McCreery, Abel Guy, G. Touchard, B. Davidson and many other old settlers.

   On several occasions Mr. Browell has visited Europe, and at one time remained nearly two years, working for the best French and English houses and studying the most approved methods and applying the same in manufacturing here.

   Mr. Browell was married in 1849, to Miss Wallace, daughter of a ship captain.  They have four sons and five daughters, and reside at their attractive home, 217 Lombard street, this city.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 313-314, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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