LOUIS L. BROMWELL, president of California Insurance Company, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 17, 1845.  His father, Robert Bromwell, also a native of Ohio, was a descendant of English ancestry that settled in Baltimore during the Colonial period.  His mother was ‘nee’ Thompson Coke, a native of Pennsylvania and of German extraction.  Of the two sons born to them, Louis is the elder.  He was reared and educated in his native city.


Mr. Bromwell traveled over the Western and Southern States, as special agent and adjuster for the Phoenix of Hartford, for five years.  In 1870 he was sent to San Francisco by that company and the Home of New York, as their special agent and adjuster, and filled the position for eight years.  He then, in 1878, excepted the position of general agent for the California Insurance Company, and after a few years was elected vice-president.  In 1879, on the death of the secretary, the office was combined with that of secretary, and he acted in the capacity of secretary and vice-president till 1885, when, on the retirement of President Hopkins, he was elected president of the company, and has since held position, discharging the duties of the same in the matter most credible to the company and himself.


When Mr. Bromwell first became connected with the company, it had no local agencies; now (1891) it has about 1, 800.  The income from premiums is now $800,000, while it was only $90,000 when he first took charge.  They do the largest dwelling-house insurance business in the city, and received about $60,000 per annum premium income from city risks.


Mr. Bromwell is general manager for the Pacific Coast of the Union Marine of New Zealand, and also of the People’s Fighter of the New Hampshire, of the Amazon Fighter of Cincinnati.  He is interested in a number of corporations on the coast, and is a director and shareholder in several of the banking and gas companies.  He is a member of  I.O.O.F. in all its branches, and has been Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of the State.  He is on the staff of General Underwood, Patriarchs Militant.  In political affairs he also takes a deep interest; is president of the Republican Alliance of Oakland.


Mr. Bromwell resides in his beautiful home in Oakland, is married and has three children living and one deceased.  He is a man highly respected and well known throughout the State.  The secretary, W. H. C. Fowler, assisted by M. A. Newell as marine secretary, have both contributed their full share towards the pronounced success of the California, and are recognized leaders in the marine branch of the business particularly.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" Volume I. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 436-437.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

California Statewide

Golden Nugget Library