San Francisco County









      Recognized as one of San Francisco’s most public-spirited citizens, and as one of the leading merchants in the city, Sam T. Breyer is now engaged in the wholesale hosiery business as a member of the firm of Gerson & Breyer at 540 Mission street. He is also a member of the board of supervisors of San Francisco county. He is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, where his birth occurred February 26, 1880, and he is a son of Joseph L. and Fannie (Kleinmann) Breyer. In 1888, the parents came to San Francisco, and here the father established a wholesale business which continues under the name of Breyer & Son.

      Sam T. Breyer received his education in the public schools of San Francisco. After completing his schooling, his first employment was in office work, and extended over a period of four years. He then worked as a traveling salesman until he was twenty-four years old, at which time he became a member of the firm which now exists as Gerson & Breyer, dealers in wholesale hosiery. For thirty years, this firm has grown with the city, and has always been rated as one of the most substantial and reliable houses in the community.

      For many years, Mr. Breyer has been active in political and civic affairs of San Francisco, and has been affiliated with the republican party. Early in 1931, he was appointed by Mayor Angelo J. Rossi to fill an unexpired term as county supervisor. Many other mayoralty appointments, especially on committees, have been filled by him in years past, and he has the reputation of being thoroughly honest and faithful in whatever duty is assigned to him. He has been especially valuable to the interests of the city, and his loyalty has won him hosts of friends and supporters.

      On February 11, 1906, Mr. Breyer was married to Miss Eva Friedman, who was born in Oakland, California, and is a descendant of an old California family. They have two children, Irving and Shirley, and reside at 22 Commonwealth avenue in San Francisco.

      Mr. Breyer is a thirty-second degree Mason, and is member of Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Commonwealth Club, the Rotary Club, the Commercial Club, the Union League Club, the Concordia Club and the Lake Mead Gold Club.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 130-131.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County