San Francisco County









      Listed among the leading younger attorneys of San Francisco is William J. Brennan, who is associated in the practice of law with Garret W. McEnerney in the Hobart building. He was born in this city May 5, 1893, and is a son of John and Rose (Rodgers) Brennan, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of California.

      William J. Brennan attended the grade and high schools of San Francisco, and then took up his legal studies at St. Ignacius College, from which he graduated in 1917. He entered the office of the well known attorney, Garret W. McEnerney. After the United States declared war upon Germany in 1917, he enlisted with the Three Hundred and Nineteenth Engineers of the Eighth Division and was sent to France as a first sergeant. He was in the service for nineteen months, and after his honorable discharge he returned to San Francisco. Having successfully passed the examinations, he was admitted to the California bar in 1921, and since then he has maintained his association with Mr. McEnerney. He has fully justified his early decision to embrace the practice of law as his life’s work, and holds a very enviable position in the San Francisco profession. He is a member of the California State Bar Association.

      On April 10, 1923, Mr. Brennan was united in marriage to Miss Grace Marsh, of Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and they are the parents of a son, Patrick. They reside at 2423 Twenty-sixth avenue in San Francisco.

      In politics, Mr. Brennan has given his support to the republican party, and his religious affiliation is with the Roman Catholic Church. He is a third degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the American Legion, and the Native Sons of the Golden West. He is a commissioned notary public.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 487-488.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County