San Francisco County






HERMANN BRANDT, one of the most accomplished musicians of San Francisco, was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1842.  He descended from musical parents, his father having been a prominent musician, and noted as a musical director and conductor.  Young Hermann received his literary and musical education in his native country under the best and most noted teachers.  He played in solo concerts when ten years old, and at the age of fourteen years played in philharmonic concerts.  He began the study of music at an early age, attending the Musical Concervatory at Leipsic, and was also a pupil of Fred Davis, the eminent teacher.  He played with great success in Hamburg, Leipsic and other German cities, and appeared with distinction at the Leipsic Sweanhans Concerts, and in 1868 he became Concert Master at the German Theater at Prague.

      Mr. Brandt came to America in 1873, as leading violinist of Theodore Thomas’ orchestra, and after that organization disbanded he remained in New York until 1885, when he came to California, and before he had been in the city twenty-four hours he was tendered the leadership of the Philharmonic Society, as leader of the Hermann Brandt String Quartet.  He is an intimate friend of Clarence Eddy, and assisted him in his recent concerts given in this city.  He has been associated with the noted musicians of Germany and Europe, as well as those of this country.  He has advanced classes of the violin and piano, and also gives instructions to private pupils.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 668-669, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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