San Francisco County









      In the field of investment banking in San Francisco an outstanding figure is Clarkson Beem Bradford, who is the president of the firm of Bradford, Kimball & Company at 111 Sutter street, and widely and most favorably known throughout the bay region.

      Mr. Bradford was born in Ottawa, Illinois, September 16, 1885, and is a son of Charles L. and Frances Clarkson (Beem) Bradford, of whom the former died in 1887 and the latter in 1885. The father was a government official. Clarkson B. Bradford attended the Lewis Institute of Chicago, Illinois, and came to the state of California in 1905 to attend Stanford University in Palo Alto. Thereafter he acquired a substantial experience in financial business, having been engaged for five years in this work in Spokane, Washington. In San Francisco, he was first associated with the firm of Blyth & Company, in the bond department, and then for a year was manager for Carsons & Earles. In the year 1920, the present investment banking firm of Bradford, Kimball & Company was formed, and Mr. Bradford became the president, which position he now holds with the highest credit to his own ability and thorough knowledge of financial matters. The firm has an extensive and representative clientage.

      On March 24, 1911, Mr. Bradford was married to Miss Anna Louise Perring of Palo Alto, California. She was born in Bloomington, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford make their home in the near-by city of San Mateo, California, and have two children, Clarkson Been, Jr., and Perry Jean.

      Mr. Bradford is a member of the Investment Bankers Association, and was a director of the California group. His political allegiance is given to the republican party. During his university career he became a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and the Quadrangle Club, senior honor society. He now belongs to the Bohemian Club of San Francisco; the Menlo Country Club of Menlo Park; the Santa Lucia Mountain Ranch Club; and the Cardinal Gun Club. During the World war period, Mr. Bradford was special representative of the reserve bank in the four Liberty Loan drives in the twelfth district. He likewise did much speaking and organization work during this critical interval. Aside from his business and his family, he has shown much enthusiasm in hunting and fishing, and enjoys these diversions at every favorable opportunity. As a public-spirited man, Mr. Bradford’s activities have been most laudatory, and he has inspired the faith and the confidence of all those with whom he has had contact.




Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages Pages 349-350.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County