San Francisco County









      With the fine traditions of his father’s long period of public service as an inspiration, John J. Boyle has during the last decade held the position of superintendent of the office of the San Francisco city and county auditor. He is a native of this city, where his birth occurred August 2, 1897, and he is a son of John J. and Julia A. (Grace) Boyle, both of whom are now deceased.

      John J. Boyle, the father, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and came to San Francisco with his parents when he was a lad of ten years. Their journey was made by the Isthmus of Panama route. He received his education in the San Francisco grammar schools, and then became a clerk in A. McBoyle’s drug store at the corner of Washington and Sansome streets. In this manner, he learned the business of pharmacy. However, his next employment was with the San Francisco Morning Call, and in newspaper work he was engaged for a number of years. He abandoned journalism to become an assistant in the tax collector’s office, following which he was a clerk in Judge Coffey’s court for an extended period. For a short interval, he was secretary to Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco. In 1910, he was appointed deputy auditor under his brother, who had been elected auditor just previously, and in this position he remained until his retirement in 1922. His death occurred January 19, 1931. His wife, who was born in San Francisco, died in November, 1912. They were the parents of four children, three of whom now survive.

      John J. Boyle, the immediate subject of this review, finished the public school courses in San Francisco, and took up his higher studies at the Sacred Heart College, from which he graduated May 31, 1917. His first employment was for a period of two years with W. R. Grace & Company, and then for a similar period he was with the Great Western Power Company, after which he assumed his present position. He has been faithful and highly efficient in the discharge of his duties in connection with the city and county auditor’s office, and has won many friends and supporters by his democratic personality. He is a democrat in politics, and a stanch supporter of the party in all of its activities.

      On September 2, 1925, Mr. Boyle was married to Miss Frances K. Dolan, who is a native of Humboldt county, California. They have become the parents of a son, James. In his own home, with his family, Mr. Boyle has found his greatest enjoyment of life, and he takes every opportunity to spend his hours in this environment. Flying and fishing have been his favorite recreations.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 470-471.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County