San Francisco County







GABRIEL BOVO is well and favorably known in the commercial circles of San Francisco, where he has resided since May 8, 1868. He was born in Soluzzo, Italy, May 1, 1836, and after acquiring an education removed to Havana, Cuba where for six and a half years he was engaged as a clerk and bookkeeper in a general mercantile establishment. At the end of this period he went to New York City, where he spent nearly two years. When he came to California he made the journey by way of the Nicaragua route.

      Mr. Bovo had been in San Francisco but a short time when he was married to Miss Maria Silveira, a native of the Azores Islands. Five children have been born of this union: Gabriel, Stephen, Cheapeddo, Victor and Margaret. In 1869 our subject started his present business on Washington Street, and after one year in this location he removed to 1300-1302 DuPont Street, where he has been continuously for twenty-one years. The business at first was a small one, but with the growth of the city and the development of the country it has come to be one of the most profitable enterprises in the city. Mr. Bovo has invested his surplus money in real estate, and has erected a valuable store room and a residence. He is one of the stockholders of the Cararra marble quarry at Amador, and is also a director; the marble is of fine quality, takes a perfect polish, and approaches more nearly the quality of Italian marble then any other in the country. The marble work for Stanford University is being done by this company. It is considered one of the finest resources of California, and great results are anticipated in its development.

      Politically Mr. Bovo is Independent, voting for the man and not the party. He is a man of excellent business qualifications, and enjoys the good will and confidence of the citizens of San Francisco



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 597, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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