WILLIAM BOTSFORD, M.D., whose office is at No. 3 Taylor street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1876, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine for the past twenty-three years. He was born in St. John, New Brunswick, in 1843, receiving his early education in that city, and later in the Sackville Academy, Sackville, New Brunswick, where he spent three years. He commenced the study of medicine in 1862, under the preceptorship of his uncle, Dr. Le Baron Botsford, of St. John. Mr. Botsford next entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1865, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He then filled the position of Resident Physician of the Philadelphia Hospital for eighteen months, and then entered into private practice in the latter city, where he remained eight years, except two years spent in practice in New York. He then came to California and has since been continuously engaged in the practice of medicine in San Francisco, and for fourteen years in the same location. He is a member of the State and County Medical Societies.

Dr. Botsford’s family have resided in British North America since the Revolutionary war. They are an old New England family, who came to America in the year following the arrival of the Mayflower. During the Revolutionary war the family sympathized with the British crown, and after its close removed to New Brunswick. Dr. Botsford’s great-grandfather, Hon. Amos. Botsford, who removed to New Brunswick, was one of the Professors of Yale College in 1868-9. He later practiced law, and being a Loyalist was appointed by Sir Guy Carleton as agent for the Loyalists who embarked for Nova Scotia. Dr. Botsford’s father, Chipman Botsford, was a prominent lawyer and represented Ristigouche county in the New Brunswick Parliament for many years. He was one of a number of sons of Judge William Botsford, who was a Speaker of the Assembly and a Judge. One brother was Sheriff, another Warden of the penitentiary, one a Senator, now known to be the oldest official in Canada, having been sixty-two years in political work; one held a high official position at Fredericksburg, New Brunswick, one a County Judge, and one a prominent physician, with whom Dr. Botsford first studied, and who for many years had charge of the Marine Hospital at St. John, New Brunswick.


Transcribed by Terry Smith.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 556, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Terry Smith.


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