San Francisco County






Andrew George Booth was born in New Hampshire in 1845, and received his education in New England; he attended Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire, where he took a preparatory course, and completed his collegiate course at Amherst, Massachusetts.


Having determined upon the profession of law as a calling for life, he entered the office of the Hon. H. W. Parker, M. C., from New Hampshire.  In the year 1869 he came to California, and entered the office of A. J. Gunnison, where he finished his legal studies, and was admitted to the bar in 1870.  For the past twenty years he has been a prominent member of the San Francisco bar, and has won a reputation for ability and zeal which he certainly deserves.


Several years after his admission to the bar he formed a partnership with A. J. Gunnison.  The firm of Gunnison & Booth are attorneys for the California Safe Deposit and Trust Company, one of the heaviest financial institutions on the Pacific coast, and for several railroads and other commercial corporations.


Mr. Booth is prominently identified with the Republican party, and is active in its counsels.  He was elected to the State Legislature, and is a Trustee of the California State Library.  He is often a delegate to municipal and State conventions, and is a forcible speaker.  In important political campaigns he takes an active part in “stumping” the State, and does telling work in behalf of his party.  In the Masonic order he occupies a high position, having been Commander of the Golden Gate Commandry, K. T.  He held this position during the triumphal tour to the Triennial Conclave in Washington, D. C., in 1889.  He has been Grand Chancellor of Knights of Pythias, and has been connected with many other fraternal organizations.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 98, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.


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San Francisco County


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